- ▸ Cloud Security Week 2016
Cloud Security Week 2016
CRN presents Cloud Security Week 2016, a week's worth of news, slideshows and video about securing the public cloud, private cloud and hybrid clouds.
As more technology infrastructures fall under the cloud, businesses want to ensure those infrastructures – and the data within them - are safe and secure. After all, high-profile data breaches have catapulted security to a top-level concern among C-level executives.
Security in the cloud has become more sophisticated, and it’s creating more opportunities for solution providers. With that, we present Cloud Security Week 2016, a week of news and slide shows about securing the cloud. We’ll look at current cloud security trends, such as growing opportunities around analytics and the emerging cloud access security brokerage market, one of the hottest in the world of cloud.

The Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) market is one of the hottest in cloud security, expected to reach $7.51 billion by 2020. Here are 10 vendors that partners should take a look at if they want a piece of that action.

The delicate balance between the line of business and the CISO in implementing cloud applications is shifting, security experts said, opening up opportunities for solution providers.

These companies have begun advancing new ideas and solutions to protect data and infrastructure to help make the cloud a less scary proposition for business.

Our kickoff to Cloud Security Week looks at the growing opportunity for channel partners at the intersection of analytics and cloud security with customers that are further down the cloud adoption path.

Take a look back at Cloud Security Week 2015, last year's coverage of news, slideshows and video around securing public, private and hybrid clouds.