Cisco Consumer Channel Network A Hit With Resellers

Resellers focused on the burgeoning home networking and convergence market see the Cisco Linksys consumer channel commitment as the integrating force that will propel a new era in networking the home, from entertainment devices to home theater and home controls.

The rabid response to the CCN network is no surprise given the insatiable appetite by home network resellers for major vendor commitment. What is a surprise is that Cisco is the only major player to offer a raft of channel initiatives backed up with a certified logo program for resellers targeted at consumer products.

Home network integrators for years and years clamored for consumer network channel tools and commitment, but the pleas fell on deaf ears until Cisco announced CCN.

Look for CCN, which was launched to build a thriving network for the full line of Linksys by Cisco's line of Connected Home Products, to gain momentum throughout the year with a host of new tools and initiatives.

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Hats off to Cisco, which continues to demonstrate its channel leadership in every piece of the market from consumer channel to enterprise.

The rest of the big vendors in the consumer channel are eating Cisco's dust. My question is why no one else has stepped up to provide leadership with home network tools, resources and commitment like this for resellers?

Those that want to take advantage of Cisco's consumer channel commitment can sign up for the program online.
