Partners Predict Big Opportunities From Dell-EMC Deal
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CRNtv interviewed partners right after thenews broke Monday that Dell, Silver Lake Management and other private equity partners will buy storage giant EMC,and found solution providers enthused about the historic deal.
’It’s exciting because it finally now gives the combined Dell-EMC [partner] companies the full platform, said Chief Technology Officer Michael Leeper of Redmond, Wash.-based Denali Advanced Integration. "It’s no longer that EMC is just the storage company, as we now get the full platform of servers, networking and compute all in the same opportunity for the company to go to market with."
Leeper said he hopes EMC will be a good influence on Dell when it comes to consistency in commitment to the channel.
’We’re hoping to see kind of the maturity of the EMC channel programs really reflect the new combined EMC-Dell partnerships going forward,’ he said.
Allen Falcon, whose Westborough, Mass.-based Cumulus Global business neighbors EMC headquarters, said his initial reaction was ’holy cow.’
’It will really give Dell strategic position with respect to cloud services,’ Falcon predicted.
Tony Scicchitano from New York-based Siwel Consulting was surprised by the news Monday morning.
’I think it’s just acknowledgment from both sides that it’s not one against the other. The key to success is partnering,’ he said.
Piscataway,N.J.-based Marlabs’ Hari Koman agreed, calling it a ’great move’ for both companies.
’It’s a great opportunity for the channel community, especially on the services side, the integration side,’ Koman said.