CoreOS Introduces Enterprise Registry

CoreOS, the commercial entity behind the lightweight Linux distribution designed for running large server clusters, has released a private Docker registry for enterprises that want to securely deploy and automate containers.

CoreOS Enterprise Registry is a commercial product built atop of the company's popular open-source Linux distribution. The software automatically pushes applications from Devops, or operations teams, into a repository where they can immediately be accessed by servers running enterprise workloads, all behind the company's firewall, said CoreOS CEO Alex Polvi.

Enterprise Registry is based upon the Docker repositories--which house images of Docker containers--developed by Quay.IO, a company CoreOS acquired several months ago.

[ Related: CoreOS Announces Managed Linux, World's First 'OS-as-a-Service']

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The registry combines Docker containers with a distributed system, Polvi said.

"There's an emerging set of infrastructure companies, partially based around Docker and partially based on distributed systems. We fall into the middle of that," Polvi told CRN.

"The point of the registry is you don't have to talk to the Internet anymore, that's what a lot of enterprises do," he said.

So far, a few thousand customers "are interacting with these products," Polvi said of the Quay.IO hosted offering and the new Enterprise Registry.

"It's still early, but we are seeing commercial traction."

Enterprise Registry is currently sold directly to customers, but Polvi said CoreOS will consider opening it to the channel at some point in the future.

