AWS Storage Outage Wreaking Havoc On Web Services Providers

A storage outage that hit Amazon Web Services Tuesday afternoon is disrupting websites and Internet services around the world.

Problems with the S3 storage service in the Eastern U.S. region of the provider that owns roughly one-third of global cloud business affected a range of consumer and business services, including Slack, Quora, Trello and several media sites, according to reports on Twitter.

Based on AWS customer tweets, the problems started around 12:40 p.m. EST.

[Related: The 10 Biggest Cloud Outages of 2016]

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The AWS status page reports "increased error rates" among S3 in the U.S. Eastern region. Applications dependent on S3 will continue experiencing problems, the cloud provider said, adding it's working to remediate the outage.

Beyond the message at the top of the AWS status page, however, the current status for all AWS services and regions is reported as normal. We'll update the story as more information becomes available.
