CRN Exclusive: Kudelski Security Says It Now Has The Ultimate Managed Security Service
Kudelski Security, based in Switzerland and Phoenix, Ariz., announced on Wednesday a new managed security offering that brings together traditional security technologies with emerging startup offerings, in addition to breach detection and response capabilities, and more.
"We realize there is an inherent gap in the managed security services that are being delivered," Kudelski's Vice President of Global Marketing John Van Blaricum said. "What we are trying to do is go over that so ultimately the customer has the information they need to better protect their environment, and the capabilities to reduce that time to detection."
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The Kudelski Security offering has been built in a unique way, Alton Kizziah, vice president of global managed services, said. Unlike other managed security services offerings, it is not based on any particular SIEM technology nor does it have its own Security Operations Center. Instead, Kudelski created what it calls Cyber Fusion Centers, which includes infrastructure that is layered with both traditional and emerging security technologies.
"We're different because we're more innovative. We're differently designed from the ground up with the value proposition for the client in mind and innovative technology. We think those three things are key because there's a lot of companies going through business transformations," Kizziah said.
The Kudelski Security managed security services offering focuses on three key areas: pre-breach, breach and post-breach. Its pre-breach capabilities include vulnerability scanning, threat monitoring, and threat intelligence. Breach capabilities include security device management and support, managed firewall, managed IPS, managed web application firewalls and other similar traditional managed security technologies. Post-breach capabilities include managed endpoint detection and response services from Crowdstrike, managed attacker deception from illusive networks, forensic capabilities and advanced antivirus.
"This is a modern approach built from the very beginning to address how actual threats come to life and deliver valuable information about what's happening from a security posture standpoint back to our clients," Kizziah said.
However, despite the different approach than other managed security services offerings, Kizziah said customers wouldn't pay a higher price. Kizziah cited Trustwave, SecureWorks and IBM as some competitive offerings. He said many customers find that since the offering was built from the ground up, rather than layered with new security technologies, that it is the same price or less than competitive offerings.
The launch comes as Kudelski Security looks to expand its security solution provider business around the world. Most recently, it announced the acquisition of M&S Technologies, one of the top security solution providers in the country and No. 33 on the CRN Solution Provider 500. In May, it also announced the acquisition of Milestone Systems, another top US security solution provider.
Kizziah said Kudelski will continue to invest in keeping its managed security services up to date with current security technology trends, leveraging its in-house R&D department and engineering talent.