The 2016 Mobility 100

In 2016, nearly everyone in the workplace has a mobile device, whether it's a personal smartphone, a corporate-issued 2-in-1 tablet, or both.

But strategic planning for the mobile workplace goes beyond hardware. Businesses need to think about the platform, brand, processor, and accessories that come with the proliferation of these devices.

And that's just for developing a strategy to capitalize on the mobile worker. What about security?

As concerns about data and network security intensify, more and more CIOs and business executives are talking to partners about how they can lock down their mobile workforce.

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So with the plethora of hardware, software, and security considerations, where can solution providers turn to determine the right vendors to partner with to mobilize their customers?

Enter the inaugural Mobility 100, the definitive list of the best mobile hardware, security, software and services, app development, and device management vendors in the market today.

The 2016 Mobility 100 is divided into five categories, each aimed at helping solution providers easily navigate the mobile landscape and identify the vendor offering's that best fit the needs of their customers environments.

2016 Mobility 100: 25 Coolest Mobile Hardware Vendors
Following are 25 of the coolest mobile hardware vendors that manufacture phones, tablets, processors and accessories for workforces on the go.

2016 Mobility 100: 25 Coolest Mobile Security And Data Protection Vendors
As more enterprise customers prioritize mobile security in their workplace, companies are tapping into the market opportunity through creating security and data protection solutions. Here's a look at some of the vendors with the coolest solutions for mobile security and data protection.

2016 Mobility 100: 25 Coolest Mobile Software And Service Vendors
Which vendors have the coolest tools for helping businesses mobilize their workforce through software and services? CRN compiled a list of the 25 coolest software and services vendors.

2016 Mobility 100: 15 Coolest Mobile App Development Platforms
Development organizations are looking for mobile application development platforms for business-specific projects. Following are the 15 coolest mobile app platforms partners can take advantage of.

2016 Mobility 100: 10 Coolest Mobile Device Management Vendors
A rash of vendors flaunting device management solutions have emerged as Bring Your Own Device policies pop up across workplaces. Here's a look at some of the vendors with the coolest solutions for enterprise mobility management.
