Panasonic Brings IoT To Airplanes

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Panasonic may be best known for its televisions and electronics, but the company is blazing a trail in a new direction: flight. Panasonic’s Internet of Things connected technology has forged new developments in smarter airplanes, making the art of flight safer, more comfortable and more enjoyable.

"We're talking about the Internet of Things actually being a reality today, even on the aircraft," said Panasonic's Matthias Walker. "So if you look at the aircraft, you can imagine it as a smart, connected device with wings."

Walker said there are two components to the technology: the operational side and the consumer side. On the operational side, wing-mounted antennas are now beefed up with sensors to send real-time information to the cockpit and air traffic control concerning conditions like weather patterns.

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Panasonic's technology also monitors the aircraft itself, measuring performance from plane system controls, engines and entertainment systems.

That's where the consumer side comes in, Walker said. Panasonic is supplying airplanes with completely connected Wi-Fi, live television and full email access.

Walker said about 600 different aircrafts across the globe are currently outfitted with Panasonic IoT technologies.