HP Storage Integrates Autonomy Tech For Context-Based Archiving, Search, Cloud

Autonomy acquisition

HP, Palo Alto, Calif., also said its Data Protection 7 software now allows customers to protect data by backing it up to the HP Autonomy cloud and provides the ability to easily do e-discovery on data stored in the cloud.

The new integration of the Autonomy technology into HP's storage offerings was introduced at HP's Discover conference, held this week in Las Vegas.

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The move to integrate technology from Autonomy into Data Protector 7 was the first joint engineering project carried out since HP late last year acquired Autonomy in a massive $10.3 billion deal, said Jeff Veis, vice president of marketing for Autonomy protect solutions at HP

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The project resulted in HP's Data Protector 7 software being integrated with the Autonomy Intelligent Data Operating Layer, or IDOL, as a way to meet customer legal discovery and compliance requirements, Veis said.

IDOL is the crown jewel of the Autonomy technology, Veis said.

"IDOL uses sophisticated algorithms to look at sophisticated, unstructured content," he said. "For instance, if I say 'Apple,' what do I mean? A computer company? The 'Apple of my eye?' A fruit? But if I say, 'The apple is delicious,' you know what I mean. IDOL works that way. It understands over 1,000 file formats, and it understands data patterns. It's the engine that powers the Autonomy business."

By integrating IDOL to Data Protector, data can pass through the IDOL engine to create a database based on the meaning of the data, making it able to be searched not by the keywords but by the context, Veis said.

As a result, because of the Data Protector focus on sales through channel, solution providers will soon have the ability to offer e-discovery capability to customers, he said.

Going forward, HP will also add data retention capabilities to Data Protector based on policies that can be automatically determined based on the context of the data, he said.

Also new with Data Protector 7 is the ability to back up data to the HP Autonomy storage cloud.

In addition to the Autonomy technology, the HP Data Protector software is now also integrated with HP's StoreOnce Catalyst dedupe software and appliance.
