Dell EMC World: Enterprise Sales Chief Scannell Says Partners Are Booting Competitors, Winning Big Deals Amid Huge Market Opportunity

Global Enterprise Sales President Bill Scannell is ready to bring Dell EMC channel partners into an all-out enterprise sales street fight, and he likes their chances.

"I've never seen in my 32 years with this company the amount of market opportunity that's out there," Scannell told about 4,000 partners gathered for the Global Partner Summit at Dell EMC World in Las Vegas.

Scannell referenced a recent storage deal won by solution provider Insight that tipped the scales at $133 million for a single order. "That was a relatively new customer for Dell EMC, it was under-penetrated," Scannel said.

[Related: Dell EMC World 2017]

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"We replaced 32 petabytes of 3Par storage because it just doesn't work. We have great technology that works really well together. We can deliver deployments for these customers doing transformations better than anyone else.

"I have, in any given market, anywhere in the world, 30 to 32 percent market share at best. There's 70 percent opportunity that we have to win together. We'll help you find those opportunities, and we'll work very aggressively with you to help you win those. Our win rate is going up. We haven't seen win rates like we did in Q1, and we're on a really strong pace for Q2."

The Insight deal was one of several significant partner wins highlighted by Channel Chief John Byrne. These include a $5 million storage deal won by NCS; a $20 million server deal won by Computer Center; a $32 million storage deal won by WWT; a $55 million storage deal won by Bechtle; and a $53 million deal won by Megaplus in Pakistan, thought to be the largest private-sector tech deal ever closed in that country.

"The customers love our messaging," Scannell said. "Only Dell Technologies can bring it all together. There's no other company that has the breadth of portfolio that we have. Increasingly, customers want to do business with fewer companies. As Dell Technologies, we can sit down with any customers and talk to them about the opportunity that's in front of them and in front of us working with our partner ecosystem to win, and win big."

That message is certainly resonating with solution providers, said Patrick Fettuccia, senior vice president of business management at Rolta Advizex, a Burlington, Mass.-based solution provider that works with Dell EMC. "About 60 percent of our registrations coming in are net-new business. It's new business, and it's our traditional customers expanding. It's market segment specific. Health care providers, we're seeing a lot of growth there, and public sector is on fire too."

Fettuccia added that he's optimistic about his company's ability to spur growth across the entire Dell EMC portfolio. "We're a long-time EMC partner, and Dell is new to us. We've always been a strong enterprise player in the storage space, so what's really exciting to us now is the compute side. To hear Billy talking about the focus on enterprise and being in there working together is great."

Ryan Heiden, the principal systems engineer at RoundTower Technologies, a Cincinnati, Ohio-based solution provider that works with Dell EMC, as well as several other major vendors, said Dell EMC seems to be hitting the right buttons for growth in the channel.

"The sky's the limit," Heiden said. "We're growing like gangbusters, and I'm sure the Dell portfolio we sell will probably grow at the same rate. The technology is coming out, and partners have the ability to reach into different areas and bundle deals together with multiple technologies. That helps drive the price up, and security is a big piece. The portfolio they have is best-of-breed in a lot of cases. The name, the trust, the quality resonates with customers on a lot of levels."
