Google Android To Get Virtual Keyboard, Video And More

open source operating system

Dubbed "Cupcake," the update will merge with the operating system's open source code over the next few weeks, according to Android's source code Web site.

The update is expected to add video recording and playback, something the T-Mobile G1 and Android have lacked since the smart phone's public release in October. Additionally, Cupcake will add Bluetooth stereo support, browser updates like copy and paste and quick search, and an on-screen virtual keyboard, which many G1 uses have longed for, considering the device only currently offers a physical QWERTY keyboard.

A YouTube video has recently surfaced showing what appears to be the T-Mobile G1 running the virtual keyboard on its touch-screen display.

The addition of a virtual keyboard launches Android and the G1 gives the G1 an edge against other touch-screen titans like the Apple iPhone 3G and the BlackBerry Storm, Research In Motion (RIM) Ltd.'s first-ever touch-screen smart phone. The G1 will now have the ability to offer both a physical and virtual keyboard, while its competition only offers a virtual touch-screen keypad.

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