Michael Dell’s 5 Boldest Remarks At Dell Technologies World

‘We are committed to deliver all of our products and solutions as-a-Service in an effort we’re calling Project Apex,’ Dell CEO Michael Dell said during his keynote at Dell Technologies World today.


The 5 Most Important Remarks From Michael Dell

Dell Technologies founder and CEO Michael Dell was personal and bold during his keynote address during his company’s first-ever Dell Technologies World Digital Experience 2020.

“We are committed to deliver all of our products and solutions as-a-service in an effort we’re calling Project Apex,” said Dell during his virtual keynote at Dell Technologies World on Wednesday. “So you can consume solutions any way you want: pay as you use, pay as you go or subscription. We are full speed ahead at building the essential infrastructure for the data era.”

The legendary IT leader spoke to the thousands attending the virtual conference about the silver linings that have been created from the COVID-19 global pandemic.

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“There is a heartbreaking story of lives lost, shuttered businesses and rising unemployment. But there’s another inspirational story about the resilience of our global economic and how we have persevered,” said Dell.

CRN breaks down Michael Dell’s five biggest statements during his keynote today at the Dell Technologies World Digital Experience 2020.

The Data Era ‘Is Here’

One thing is clear, technology has never been more central than it is right now. For many, digital three-year plans got done in three months. We are having a glimpse of the future, and the organizations that are investing into that future have the advantage.

Digital transformation will only accelerate from here with the combination of massive computing power, 5G and AI. It’s like a machine, and the fuel for that machine is data. As everything in the physical world becomes intelligent and connected, the amount and relevance of data will continue to explode. These innovations together are the fourth industrial evolution. And it will require all of us to reimagine every aspect of what we do. The data era is here. To win, organizations need to accelerate the digital transformation. 5G is the digital fabric that allows us to extend the cloud to the mobile edge.

Dell’s New Project Apex

The momentum of innovation at Dell Technologies is off the charts. In the last six months, we’ve delivered new releases across almost our entire product line – from cloud and data center infrastructure to storage and servers and clients and services. We are also building our Dell Technologies Cloud Console, delivering a consistent cloud operating model across your entire IT environment.

In the past year, we’ve seen very strong growth in our as-a-Service offerings. Now, we are committed to deliver all of our products and solutions as-a-service in an effort we’re calling Project Apex. So you can consume solutions any way you want: pay as you use, pay as you go or subscription. We are full speed ahead at building the essential infrastructure for the data era, to be your most trusted partner in accelerating digital transformation with solutions that are automated, intelligent and integrated. And no one is better positioned than Dell Technologies from our industry leading solutions to our deep alliance and partnership with VMware.

‘What Happens If Everyone Works From Home?’

People have asked for years, ‘What happens if everyone works from home?’ Now we’re finding out and there are silver linings. The more we can virtualize travel, interaction, collaboration, communications, the more sustainable and more productive we become. This can also be a launch pad to address social disparities. A highly distributed workforce broadens the reach of opportunity. Advances in telemedicine and long-distance learning are breakthrough opportunities to broaden access to healthcare and education.

It’s not one size fits all, but overall, we’ve just jumped ahead to a more digital future and we’re not going back. When we invest now, we’ll emerge in a dramatically better position for the future we all want. We’re here to help. … Organizations of all sizes are accelerating their journey to a better tomorrow. Together, we are unstoppable.

Dell Enables The World During COVID-19 Pandemic

There is a heartbreaking story of lives lost, shuttered businesses and rising unemployment. But there’s another inspirational story about the resilience of our global economic and how we have persevered. When we talk about the global economy, it’s really shorthand for millions of business of all sizes around the world. Its each of you. Your organizations and the amazing work you’ve all done to keep us moving forward even as we stay in place.

Like ING [Group], the banking and financial services giant, where we help power their digital banking for 38 million customer and 55,000 employees without missing a beat. Or Honeywell, who we helped retool manufacturing to make N95 masks and hand sanitizer. Or the University of Texas in Austin, where the Texas Advanced Computing Center was put to work doing genetic analysis and sequencing in the race to develop vaccines and a cure. Or the state government who moved 10,000 employees to working from home for the very first time and needed to bolster their analytics to ensure public health official had real time data. Or the online education platform that needed emergency capacity to handle the demands of an entire nation. From every corner of the globe, the passion and resilience has been inspiring.

‘The Fault Lines Of Our Society Are Laid Bare’

We have all been through a period of revelation like nothing we’ve seen before. The best in humanity and in ourselves, and in each other, has been revealed through a shared sense of purpose and connection. We’ve seen each other in more intimate ways, from our homes with our families and our pets.

When we talk about digital transformation, my hope is we are also seeing a human transformation with more kindness, generosity and empathy. We’ve needed all of that because in the last eight months, we’ve also revealed hard truths. Hard to watch and hard to live through as the fault lines of our society are laid bare: in access to healthcare, to education, to opportunity and to justice. And we are going to need all of that kindness, generosity and empathy going forward to help bridge these divides and make good on the promise of a better future. I also believe that Dell Technologies together with our customers and partners can play an enormous role because of the scale and influence of our ecosystem, and because technology innovation is the fulcrum for driving human progress.
