5 Cultural Questions EMC Employees Are Asking About Life At Dell
Future So Bright?
EMC shareholders are scheduled to vote July 19 on the company's proposed acquisition by Dell Inc. Executives say the more than $62 billion deal is on schedule to close by the end of October, with the shareholder vote and approval from Chinese regulators the only remaining hurdles. But EMC employees still have lots of questions about the deal and what it means for their future.
EMC execs have been fielding questions from employees since shortly after the deal was announced last October. Recently, a new batch of questions and answers was filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and they include a handful of inquiries about what life might be like at Dell Technologies, the new brand name the company will use once the deal closes.
Employees are concerned about whether they'll have to reapply for their jobs, whether their pay will remain the same, and how they should refer to themselves. Here are a few of the questions and answers, taken straight from the most recent filing.
"What do customers think of the new brand name?"
"Our customers inspired our new brand name," EMC execs responded. "We conducted extensive customer research around the world that informed how we arrived at Dell Technologies for the family of companies, businesses and brands reflected across the current Dell and EMC portfolios. Likewise, the customer research informed our decision on the Dell and Dell EMC brands. In addition to the customer research, we interviewed partners, team members, industry analysts and branding experts. What we learned is that both Dell and EMC names are closely associated with innovation, enterprise strength and customer focus."
"I've heard Dell employees referred to as 'team members.' Will EMC adopt that terminology?"
"Yes. Dell has long referred to its employees as team members, a practice originated by Michael Dell (pictured) himself," EMC execs said, adding that EMC employees should get ready to join the team. "This tradition, which emphasizes the team spirit inherent in the Dell culture, will continue within Dell Technologies."
"Will we have to reapply for our current jobs?"
"Day One of the new company does not mean that all jobs reset and everyone interviews," EMC execs answered, noting that while many rank-and-file jobs will remain unchanged, those jobs may report to new managers. "The process for each area of the business will depend on a number of factors. Many teams and roles within the new company will continue as they are today, although in some cases the manager or reporting may change."
"Will I be able to carry over my earned but unused vacation time to the new company?"
Now we're getting to the really important stuff, and execs say EMC's vacation policy won't change, at least this year. "EMC's current vacation policy will remain in effect for 2016. Any unused vacation accrued in 2016 (subject to the 40-hour limit) will be able to be carried over and used by March 31, 2017," the company said.
"Will EMC be awarding raises or equity to employees this year?"
"EMC's Annual Compensation Review (ACR) and Annual Equity Program (AEP) will occur later this year," the company says. "First, our Annual Compensation Review will continue to focus on driving EMC's pay-for-performance philosophy and rewarding top talent. This year's ACR increases will become effective on October 1. Moving the effective date to that time of the year lets us align our calendar with Dell's annual planning cycle in 2017. Second, as we prepare to become a privately controlled company, our Annual Equity Program for 2016 is planned as a Long Term Cash program. Moving from stock-based equity awards to a long-term cash program further aligns our performance incentives with programs in place at Dell. And, same as in previous years, the AEP will continue to focus on rewarding our very top-performing employees. Your HR manager will be able to share more details when these programs are underway later in 2016."